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12/12/2024 - SIS Virtual Event - OTPs in Mental Health Community of Practice
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: Events

12/12/24 - SIS Virtual Event - OTPs in Mental Health Community of Practice

Non-Members - $20

Members - Free


Date & Time: December 12, 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom


Please note - These sessions are not recorded for future viewing.


Number of Contact Hours: 1.0


Presenter:  Lola Halperin, EdD, OTR/L and Michele Stillman, OTD, OTR/L


Bio/Background of the Speaker:

Lola Halperin, EdD, OTR/L, is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy in the College of Health Professions at Sacred Heart University. Dr. Halperin's specialty is psychosocial occupational therapy, and she designs, teaches, and coordinates the mental health curriculum at her school. Dr. Halperin earned her Bachelor's in OT degree from Tel Aviv University, Israel and her Master of Arts degree from NYU. She then completed her doctoral studies at Columbia University. Dr. Halperin has served children, adolescents, and adults affected by mental health conditions and other

forms of adversity in inpatient, outpatient and community-based facilities in the United States, Canada and Israel. Her current teaching, clinical supervision, student mentorship, and research projects center on serving clients with mental illness, trauma, and chronic pain. Dr. Halperin also serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR).

Michele Stillman graduated from Quinnipiac with her BS in Occupational Therapy and completed her Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate at American International College. She is an Occupational Therapy supervisor with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services in Hartford CT. She currently serves as a ConnOTA Mental Health Liaison alongside Lola Halperin.


Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will learn about the fundamentals of communities of practice and how they support practitioners

2. Participants will be able to express their professional needs as they relate to addressing mental health issues

3. Participants will collaborate to establish a framework for the ConnOTA Mental Health Community of Practice


Summary of Event: 

This event will be the first meeting of the new ConnOTA mental health community of practice. Occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) with an interest in addressing mental health in their practice should plan to attend. During this meeting, Michele and Lola will facilitate a discussion on the fundamentals of a community of practice and how they can be applied to support the needs of OTPs in Connecticut.


A Zoom Conference link will be available after registering for the event through CONNOTA.