About ConnOTA

ConnOTA is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides a professional community for its members. The resources contained in this site will outline membership benefits, continuing education opportunities, and serve as a resource for promoting the profession in the State of Connecticut.

The Executive board welcomes you to enhance your professional development and involvement through participation in its many meetings and activities.

Please feel free to contact any member of the board to find out how.

Our Mission Statement

To protect and promote the advancement of the practice of Occupational Therapy while serving the needs of our members and consumers of our services.

Our Vision

Occupational Therapy’s distinct value is to improve health and quality of life through facilitating participation and engagement in occupations, the meaningful, necessary and familiar activities of everyday life.  Occupational therapy is client centered, achieves positive outcomes and is cost effective. 

Vision 2025

As an inclusive profession, Occupational Therapy maximizes health, well- being and quality of life for all people, populations and communities through effective solutions that facilitates participation in everyday living.

The ConnOTA Board

The executive board consists of voting and non-voting members. The voting members include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member for Government Affairs, and two Members -at-Large. The non-voting members consist of the Member(s) for Professional Development, Member for Public Affairs, SIS chairperson, and the Historian.  Each board member term is for two years with an additional 3 months of attending meetings as a consultant for the new board.

Current Board Members

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held monthly on the third Monday of each month, from 7:00 -8:00 pm via Zoom. All ConnOTA members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Educational Opportunities

In support of the licensure CEU requirement, we sponsor  SIS sessions, a Fall Half-day Conference in November, and an Annual Conference in March for members and non members.