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12/12/23 - SIS Virtual Event - Home Care Community of Practice Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: Events

Members - FREE

Non-Members - $20


Virtual Meeting 7:00 pm 


Please note - These sessions are not recorded for future viewing.




Number of Contact Hours: 1.0


Link to Webinar will be included in your registration confirmation email.


Facilitator: Susanne Giannitti OTR/L
Speakers: Jennifer Featheringham OTD, OTR/L
                       Peiluen Kuo OTD, OTR/L


Bio/Background of the Speakers:

ConnOTA community of practice members are OT practitioners who are actively working in home care, who have worked in home care, or are seeking to work in home care.  Members bring their expertise and skillset as well as questions and a strong desire to use social learning theory to learn, share, and pool knowledge.


Learning Objectives Attendees Should Achieve:

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify functional implications associated with COVID-19, per the most recent literature.
  2. Identify appropriate means of evaluation and treatment for clients experiencing long-COVID.
  3. Apply the above knowledge to a case.

Summary of Event:

While the pandemic has come to an end, the functional implications associated with COVID-19 remain evident. During this session, the latest available evidence on long-COVID and its functional implications will be summarized. An interview with a client experiencing long-COVID will be reviewed as a case-study, and appropriate occupational therapy evaluation and treatment ideas will be explored. Time will be left for open discussion regarding application to home care practice.


This event is sponsored by Connecticut occupational therapy practitioners. ConnOTA is supporting this event by overseeing the award of CEUs for registered participants.